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Support Series for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched -- they must be felt with the heart."  -
-- Helen Keller 

Are you wondering if you are an empath or a highly sensitive person (HSP)? If you can relate to the signs below you are likely one or both:​


  • Frequently feel emotionally exhausted

  • Easily feel overwhelmed and anxious

  • You sense and feel other people’s emotions as your own

  • Feel the need to withdraw or be alone often 

  • You are a deep thinker and a seeker

  • You often feel misunderstood


Being an empath and/or a highly sensitive person is a superpower!! When we are balanced and grounded in our bodies we will exhibit positive traits like these:​


  • Creative

  • Insightful

  • Strongly intuitive

  • Deep feeler

  • Easily know and recognize other people’s needs/feelings

  • Appreciate beauty and small wonders

What to Expect

This series is created from a heartfelt space and with love for those of us that identify with being highly sensitive and/or an empath. Our time together during this series is intended to empower, enlighten and affirm. When we gather together as like-minded souls—we discover we are not alone (in our struggles) and we become stronger and a better version of ourselves by truly being seen, witnessed and heard by those surrounding us.

This series meets once a month for 6 sessions. Each monthly session will be two hours (2 hours) in length and will include time for:


  • Connection + reflection

  • Heartfelt sharing

  • Knowledge about being highly sensitive and/or an empath

  • Tools + boundary setting strategies

  • Self-care with grounding and/or meditative activity



These are the topics we will cover within the series:


Session 1:

What does it really mean to be a highly sensitive person and/or empath? 

Get to know one another 


Session 2: 

Body, emotions, health 


Session 3: 

Work, vacation, change 


Session 4: 

Self-compassion practices + tools


Session 5:

Childhood, upbringing, relationships 


Session 6:

Spirit and soul

Gifts of being a highly sensitive person and empath



Here are continued takeaways I see and hear from clients who have participated in this series:


—Release of guilt and shame


—Better understanding about the trait of being a highly sensitive person and/or an empath 


—Language and better communication of one’s needs to oneself, family and friends as a highly sensitive person and/or empath


— Feelings of being affirmed, seen and heard (possibly for one of the first times in life) 


--- Daily and weekly life that feels more grounded, balanced and manageable 



This series is right for you if:


  • You are looking for a community of like-minded individuals to share and support you in your experience of being a highly sensitive person and/or an empath


  • You would like to gain knowledge of what it truly means to be highly sensitive or an empath


  • You would like to learn tools and ways to set healthy boundaries so you are able to live in the world with more grace and ease 



Additional notes about class:


  • Class size is limited to 10 participants to allow for deep sharing and an intimate class experience.


  • Handouts containing class content and resources will be given at each session


  • If you have not worked with me before, please schedule a complimentary 15 minute call so we can get acquainted and I have the opportunity to answer any questions you may have about the series. 


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